Go Team BC!

Interview with Urban Farmer Julia Smith
September 10, 2013
Interview with Debbra Mikaelsen, Food Advocate
October 4, 2013
Interview with Urban Farmer Julia Smith
September 10, 2013
Interview with Debbra Mikaelsen, Food Advocate
October 4, 2013

Buy Local. Eat Natural. has recently partnered with Culinary Team British Columbia, a group of talented BC-based chefs who represent the province as its culinary ambassadors at competitions around the world.

Team BC is currently preparing to compete at the World Culinary Olympics in October. The World Culinary Olympics, also known as the Internationale Kochkunst Ausstellung (IKA), are held every four years in Erfurt, Germany. We were fortunate enough to be invited to their recent practice session at BC Place where we had the opportunity to speak to a few chefs about their creative dishes and use of local foods. Stay tuned to see photos of the food and presentation.

BC has established an international reputation for its top notch chefs, as well as for its abundance of wonderful local ingredients. The Culinary Team BC chefs were even kind of enough to share some of their favourite local-inspired recipes with us including Berry Bread Pudding (featured below).

We know that Culinary Team British Columbia is going to represent the province well and wish them the best of luck.