Harvest time: get the most out of BC’s best season with local fall festivals and more!
October 19, 2016
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Even when it's looking grey outside, BC's emerald greens will light up any table. This month, we’re exploring the best places to find herbs in BC - from tiny family farms to the greenhouses that supply places like Save-On-Foods and Whole Foods with BC farm-fresh herbs. Once you’ve got your greens, check out some of our most popular recipes that showcase BC’s basil, thyme, mint and more.
The easiest place to source BC herbs and greens is at your local grocery store. You might already know that BC greens like kale and greenhouse lettuce are in season year-round - but did you know the herbs you can buy growing in pots from stores like Save-On foods are also locally grown? Kitchen Pick Herbs is based in Maple Ridge, and they supply potted basil, parsley, cilantro and mint year-round to BC’s grocery stores (you can check out the full list here). Surrey’s Evergreen Herbs also supplies grocery stores with fresh cut herbs like basil and thyme - you’ve probably noticed their popular Roots Organic line of cut herbs in the produce section. And of course, BC’s winter farmers’ markets are the perfect place to find home-grown greens: you can find your closest local winter market here.
Smaller herb farms are magical places to visit, and offer a wide range of herbs and products to take home with you. Hazelwood Herb Farm in Ladysmith offers guided group tours of their gardens, and a self guided Christmas tour from Nov 24 to 27th. They sell a variety of herbs and flowers, as well as products made with herbs - so whether you’re interested in Egyptian walking onion or lemon thyme, they grow what you’re looking for. And while Cowichan Valley’s Valhalla Herbs is closed for visits in the winter, they’ll be at holiday fairs in Saanich selling their herbal teas, rubs and salves.
Smaller herb farms are magical places to visit, and offer a wide range of herbs and products to take home with you. Hazelwood Herb Farm in Ladysmith offers guided group tours of their gardens, and a self guided Christmas tour from Nov 24 to 27th. They sell a variety of herbs and flowers, as well as products made with herbs - so whether you’re interested in Egyptian walking onion or lemon thyme, they grow what you’re looking for. And while Cowichan Valley’s Valhalla Herbs is closed for visits in the winter, they’ll be at holiday fairs in Saanich selling their herbal teas, rubs and salves.
Got your greens? Check out some of our most popular recipes featuring BC herbs! For more great ideas, go to our In Season finder, find your favourite herb and click on it - you’ll see seasonal information about it, as well as our top three recipe suggestions to best showcase your favourite greens.
Looking for more ways to freshen up your November? Check out our posts on BC’s best wine and cheese getaways, or refresh your knowledge of asian greens with the Hua Foundation’s Choi Project. And join us on Facebook, where we’re sharing our favourite winter recipes!
- Carrots With Hazelnut Cream (featuring thyme)
- Turkey Meatloaf with Cranberry Glaze (featuring sage)
- Ambrosia Apple and Quinoa Salad (featuring basil, cilantro and mint)
- Quick Blueberry Lamb Kebabs (featuring mint)
- Garlic Scape and Parsley Pesto (featuring parsley)
Looking for more ways to freshen up your November? Check out our posts on BC’s best wine and cheese getaways, or refresh your knowledge of asian greens with the Hua Foundation’s Choi Project. And join us on Facebook, where we’re sharing our favourite winter recipes!