Good Morning BC thanks behind-the-scenes workers in BC!

LOCO BC: The Business Side of the Local Movement
June 25, 2013
Vote for the Best of BC’s Buy Local. Eat Natural. Movement!
July 16, 2013
LOCO BC: The Business Side of the Local Movement
June 25, 2013
Vote for the Best of BC’s Buy Local. Eat Natural. Movement!
July 16, 2013


 Every day, while most people are sleeping, early-rising farmers – most of whom come from small, family-run operations – are up at the crack of dawn caring for their hens in order to produce eggs for BC.  Let’s be honest, we don’t often think of these behind-the-scenes workers while we’re enjoying our scrambled eggs and toast! In fact, when we drive to work or school, we don’t often think of the many people toiling behind the scenes to keep our communities functioning well. That’s exactly why we really loved this campaign developed by the folks at the BC Egg Marketing Board, who’ve delivered a creative public thank you to all of the farmers and other unsung heroes out there in BC who often go unnoticed.


You may have seen this. The campaign launches with a 30-second TV spot following a real BC Egg farmer in what seems like his usual morning routine. However, the audience learns that this day deviates from his normal schedule and makes you wonder what’s next in the day of a farmer.  The surprise, revealed on this website, is a collection of three heart-warming documentaries that show BC egg farmers rewarding other hardworking early-risers in BC with a gourmet breakfast served with yummy BC eggs. The recipients in each video, from fishermen to food bank volunteers, were genuinely surprised, which is why this is so heartwarming.


This creative video series highlights the unique care and passion each worker – be it a fisherman, mill worker or egg farmer – puts into ensuring a perfect product that they are proud of. We love it! What a great reminder. There’s a fun contest associated (with great prizes), open to everyone in BC. To participate, visit: