North Arm Farm Beet Salad

North Arm Farm Beet Salad


  • Baby red North Arm Farm beets
  • Baby Gold North Arm Farm beets
  • Pickled gold North Arm Farm beets
  • Chimichurri
  • Watercress
  • Frisée
  • .5oz Tiger Blue cheese
  • .5oz Olive oil
  • .5oz Lemon
Beet Chutney
  • Red beets
  • Sugar
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Orange juice
Pickled Gold Beets
  • 1 pound baby golden beets, organic, peeled and julienned
  • 1/4 cup pickled ginger
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup spring water
  • 1 cup rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sea salt


  1. Poach beets in salted water, remove when tender, peel while hot, cool julienne pickled beets.
  2. Dress greens in chimichurri
  3. Season to taste
  4. Dress beets (segregate colours to avoid bleeding) in olive oil and lemon
  5. Season to taste
  6. Dress plate with beet chutney, allowing excess syrup to pool in slightly alternate dressed beets by colour On top of chutney lightly place dressed greens over beets
  7. Garnish with pickled beet julienne and crumbled blue cheese
Beet Chutney
  1. Dice the cooked beets, and puree all the trim.
  2. Make a simple syrup by bringing the vinegar, orange juice and sugar to a rolling boil
  3. cool the syrup, fold in beets and the puree, reserve
Pickled Gold Beets
  1. Peel beets and either julienne or cut to a small dice, as you prefer.
  2. Combine vinegar, water, sugar, salt and ginger in a saucepot, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour boiling liquid over the beets, cover and hold steeping for 30 min.
  4. Strain and reserve.

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